Physical Activity Referral Scheme mini project results

PARS mini project summary of findings. Clackmannanshire Over 50’s PARS classes This report was compiled by A.C.Whittaker directly from the undergraduate student 4th year dissertation project reports from the students who worked on this study, thus we would like to acknowledge Ellie Sime, Katie Goulder, Kirsty Anderson, Isla Sibbald, Jason Wedlock and Aimee Fairburn,  and

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GOALD project goes further

What we’ve been up to lately developing physical activity technology for older adults in the GOALD project: click the link above to read the brief news story and see what we were doing

GOALD findings

Our findings on digital physical activity for healthy ageing can now be viewed in this video:

Update on the GOALD project – University of Stirling Research Festival

The GOALD Research Festival was at the Stirling Court Hotel on the University of Stirling campus on October 6th. This enlightening event brought together participants, academics, and partners from the GOALD (Generating Older Active Lives Digitally) project, a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of life for older individuals through digital technology. Check out

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danceSing Care Evaluation – summary of the feasibility study

Is it feasible to use the digital music and movement resources of the danceSing Care company to improve wellbeing in the resident care home population? Executive Summary We wanted to find out if digital music and movement resources could be delivered in care homes. We rolled out a 12-week programme to 10 care homes and

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Theme by the University of Stirling